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Saturday, April 14, 2012


I love what I do!  That is surely no lie.  Today my young authors wrote out their dreams, in verse.  Some of them rhymed, some did not.  The point is, today's group dared to dream on paper about what they hope to be when they grow up.  That's how success starts...with a dream!

Next month we'll be jumping back into fiction, per my young authors' request.  I am more than willing to oblige, as I too am a softy for that genre as well :)

Until next time, keep reading and/or writing, writing, writing away!  Oh yeah, don't forget the YAP motto..."Anything is possible, as long as you believe!"

If you would like the YAP to visit your youth organization (grades 1-12), call or email us for rates and availability today at (704) 464-8559 or 

YAP Session Information (participants must be in grades 1-5):
Saturday, May 12, 2012
3-4 pm
$4 (one-time) registration fee/$6 per session
If you are interested in registering/attending, please call or email in advance as session locations are subject to change depending on number of participants.

Future 2012 Saturday, YAP Session Dates: May 12, June 9, July 14, August 11...

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YAP...Athletics for the Mind!